
Sunday, July 19, 2015

Time to Begin Again...

It's not hard for me to believe that it has been 16 months since my last post to this blog but, with things the way are these days, that is going to change.  I, like so many of you, have about had it with this lawless Administration and with the fact that our Republican "leaders" are completely cowed by the liberal left and its taunts of racism, elitism and all the other isms.  While Mr. Trump may not be as willing to observe Ronald Reagan's Eleventh Commandment as we might like, it is still refreshing and somehow heartening to know that there is at least one person out there with access to the media who is willing to speak what we down here in the grass roots are feeling, and have felt for a long time.

Once again, I'm done with political correctness toward any minority that doesn't afford me the same tolerance it demands from me.  I'm done with hearing about America's sins of the past while Islamic fundamentalists are committing equally, if not more, heinous sins in the present.  No American alive today has ever been a legal slave in this country, just as no American alive today has been a legal slaveholder.  In other words, it wasn't done to you, and I and mine didn't do it.  Grow up, take responsibility for your own destiny and success, and stop blaming some myth of white or any other kind of privilege for the decisions you make about your own life.  

Middle America, no mater what color, age, sexual orientation or creed you may be, it is time for us to stop being the Silent Majority. It is time for us to hold our elected officials accountable to us, the People, and to make them listen to the reproaches they have earned by their refusal to preserve, protect and defend ourselves and our Constitution.  It is time to return to that Government, of, by and for the People that so many of our best and brightest perished to preserve.  

More to the point, it is time to call our President what he is, an evil, evil man whose sole purpose is to "fundamentally transform" this country into something unspeakable and that its Founders never ever envisioned or fought for.  He seeks to replace our freedoms with mindless subservience to a monstrous government, to destroy our priceless American initiative and drive with by denigrating and undermining all traces of its excellence and, yes, superiority.  He seeks to project onto this good, kindly country the vicissitudes of its enemies, and to abandon the allies whose true core values mirror our own.  

It has been made patently obvious to me and to anyone else with the courage to speak and acknowledge objective truths that this man despises the America that granted him the enormous opportunities that he has squandered in his diabolical quest for "income equality" and "social justice."  These are the innocuous catch phrases that mask the President's true aim, which is to remake this "shining city on a hill" into a backward, horrific throwback to the aftermath of the Russian Revolution.  I am not content to let him extinguish the beacon that this nation has been, and continues to be, to all those who seek a good, honest and fulfilling life.  Are you?

More tomorrow... 

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