
Wednesday, July 29, 2015

A Government in Denial

Hard as it may be to believe, we are again hearing that those four Marines and one sailor who were gunned down while doing their duty might be denied the Purple Heart and its attendant benefits.  Has the government, more specifically this Administration, learned nothing from the tragic lesson of Fort Hood?

While the FBI is saying very little about the data it has been able to gather concerning Muhammad Abdulazeez's seeming self-radicalization, its own director has lamented the difficulties facing the agency in tracking and preemptively dealing with such "lone wolves" during testimony before a Congressional Committee.   The official description of the shooter being issued for the past week is that of a "homegrown violent extremist."  Notice the missing word?  Once more we have to deal with our government's refusal to look evil in the face and call it what it truly is.  I suppose they are more concerned about hurting the feelings of Muslims than they are about stepping up to the plate for our servicemen and women and their families.

Political correctness is about as incorrect as anything could possibly be, if it allows for the ignoring of common sense and decency in favor of placating a religion that should be taking at least some responsibility for policing and monitoring its own young.  This is especially true when we have a psychological situation like the one involving Muhammad Abdulazeez and in light of the disastrous trend toward Islamic extremism being exhibited by disaffected young Muslim men who live in the West.  When I hear Michael Savage talk about Donald Trump's candidacy in one of his radio ads, and looking forward to "bombing ISIS back into the Stone Age," I want to shout at him that this is exactly where most of the radicalized Islamists are in their minds and actions.  If this weren't the case we wouldn't be dealing with the unrelenting terrorism that began on September 11, 2001.  There has been no evolution of thought in the fundamentalist Islamic population since the original Muhammad was on earth, except to pervert the Prophet's core message into one solely of hate and subjugation.

I'm not ashamed to admit that, in light of government prevarication about Islamic extremism, the IRS targeting of conservative groups, Benghazi, the Iran nuclear deal and any number of other lies they have foisted onto the American people, I am becoming incredibly afraid of what the reminder of this President's tenure will bring with it.  However, in the midst of this angst is the righteous anger that his brazen maltreatment of our armed forces has generated, and this is something I will embrace and run with.

We have the opportunity to flood the email inboxes and Twitter accounts of our elected officials with expressions of our complete and utter dissatisfaction concerning the way the Administration has chosen to dishonor those who gave their all for us, and to disenfranchise their surviving families.  I hope that you and your friends will use whatever media you have at your disposal to voice your disapproval, and do it often.  This type of government malfeasance shows no sign of dissipating, and should help attract truth-loving Americans to the standard of conservatism.  But we can't wait for them to catch up; we have to begin the truth-telling now...

More on Friday...

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