
Friday, July 31, 2015

ALL Lives Matter!

Former Maryland Governor Martin O'Malley had a unique opportunity to differentiate himself from the rest of his party when he was heckled by members of the Black Lives Matter movement in Phoenix a couple of weeks back.  But then he caved and apologized - Seriously?  This is political correctness on steroids and out of all bounds of the Common Sense that this blog espouses.

When did our society make the leap that having white skin is somehow a crime against the rest of the races in our country?  This is possibly the most asinine and un-democratic nonsense that I have ever heard, especially when coupled with the insulting absurdity of the myth of "White Privilege."  In light of the 5+ decades of Affirmative Action that have worked toward the disenfranchisement of white Americans*, there is no way a rational person who accepts objective truth as the basis for logical conclusions can buy into this insanity and negate his own self-worth.  

This sort of approach is racist in the extreme, and attempts to take the current generations of white U.S. citizens to task for what was done during the enslavement of the original black people kidnapped from their homes and lives in Africa.  Well, I and my family and every white person living in this country DIDN'T commit those offenses, and NO living black citizen of this nation was victimized by them.  So why is it so au courant for liberals to write insipid articles lamenting their having been born Caucasian or to allow the race-baiting Sharptons of the world to cow them into rushes to judgement of law enforcement before even establishing that a true legal infraction has taken place?  

Either all lives matter or, as seems to be the case in places like Chicago and Detroit, no lives matter.  No one should be allowed to pick and choose which race is more important; to do so is to compel society to teeter on the brink of genocide.  We are better than this, and so we must not apologize for speaking truth, whether it be to power or to the mob.  When we do take the higher road of truth-telling, we must be prepared to deal with the consequences that will be rained upon us by the haters, the ignorant and those who would destroy this nation.  We must be prepared to stand together as the majority that we ARE, which believes wholeheartedly in the goodness and exceptionalism that our beloved country has exhibited for over two hundred years.  We must thicken our skins as we would have the P.C. crowd thicken theirs, to demonstrate to them that actions, not words, have the real power to define who each of us is.  "Ye shall know them by their fruits."

* I use this terminology to fly in the face of the ridiculous usage handbook from that University in New England that declared it "offensive" to self-identify as "American" rather than "North American."  As if to do this is to really marginalize citizens of Central or South American.  Do we really think that a native of Brazil wants to call himself a South American?  No, he tells you proudly that he is a Brazilian.  So I will continue to refer to U.S. citizens, especially myself, as an American.  No hyphens need apply...

More on Monday; have a great weekend!

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