Have you noticed that the P.C. barrier has been breached concerning calling those folks "illegal" who are in our country without the requisite paperwork? I can't tell you how long it's been since I heard the phrase "undocumented immigrant" in place of calling this spade the spade it really is. Now I want to attack another adjective/adverb that accrues to those among this group who openly, un-repentantly and without question have committed crimes against America and Americans.
I know there must be some statutes in place concerning the description by news outlets of individuals who are accused of criminal activity but who have not yet been to trial, since the media as a whole seems to employ this mode of portrayal. But I am TOTALLY sick of hearing such miscreants as the killer of Kate Steinle described as the "alleged" shooter, or as the person who "allegedly" committed this heinous, reprehensible act. This form of political correctness just plays into the sad state of affairs that seemingly absolves wrong-doers of all responsibility for their actions because of family history, drug/alcohol abuse (who made THAT decision?!?), bullying at school, or any of a host of other excuses that are designed to make society the culprit when something horrible happens at the hands of a misfit.
While I started this post by referring to illegals among us, but I do feel that the whole permissive, liberal agenda does lead to things like sanctuary cities that persistently fly in the face of federal law. Why do this type of municipal behavior occur? Because we have a federal government that picks and chooses which laws it will enforce, which leads to the outright lawlessness of sanctuary cities in the name of "humanitarianism." When did being a humanitarian mean subjecting law-abiding citizens to the types of crimes that have been unleashed on them by Washington's determination to infuse our population with what amounts to an invasion from abroad?
Perhaps this is why the campaign style and words of Donald Trump are resonating so deeply with so many who feel that WE are being disenfranchised by an Administration that feels that it can dictate or lie about, with impunity, things like this to us:
- The cultural/economic make up of the neighborhoods in which we choose to live should be determined by Washington; it's just right.
- There wasn't a "smidgen" of corruption in the IRS, and they didn't target conservative groups.
- The deal with Iran is a good one.
- We are committed to Israel's protection.
- The economy is roaring back from the '08 financial crisis.
- Unemployment is the lowest it has been in years.
- The massacre at Fort Hood was workplace violence.
- The Republicans were responsible for the 2013 government shut down (remember that? Nice, wasn't it?).
- Capitalism needs government intervention/regulation to function properly.
- If you disagree with any of our President's pronouncements on anything, you're a racist.
Essentially, objective truth has been replaced with fantasy; it's the Emperor's New Clothes on LSD. How can anyone have a rational discussion with a liberal when truth is not as important or weighty in the conversation as what they want to be the truth? The mainstream media is every bit as culpable in making this travesty our nation's reality during this Administration's tenure, taking the lead as they do in pointing fingers and flinging diatribes at those who would speak truth to this despotic power.
Our Founding Fathers never envisioned the class of professional politicians that has evolved over the 239 years of our national existence. I imagine they would be astonished and appalled to see how their brilliantly, bravely crafted Founding Documents have been subverted and all but dismantled by the current "leadership" in our nation's capital. I don't know about you, but I've had about all I can stomach of the lies, the negation of American exceptionalism and the tyranny to which we have been subjected since January 20, 2009.
How many of us are willing to lay it all on the line and really SHOW UP now that the country we love, and that is the hope of all who love freedom, needs US? Are you...?
More tomorrow...
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