
Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Where to Pick Up?

Thanks for your patience while waiting for me to get my schedule and my act together.  It's been an interesting sabbatical, watching the news unfold but not being in a position to really formulate cogent thoughts about its many aspects.

The biggest rant on my current list is still Ronald Reagan's Eleventh Commandment: With so much fodder in the current Administration and its offshoots (i.e., Hillary and the rest of the Democrat party), why on earth do Republicans feel they have to bash each other in order to distinguish themselves from the field?!?!?!  This is so utterly foolish as to make me wonder if anyone really has the common sense (!) to realize how desperately we need to turn this country around, and how their sniping at each other does nothing to advance the narrative that we need to put out there. We have the talent and the understanding of what the vast majority of the American people want us to accomplish, so why not simply have each candidate lay out his/her plans and dreams and let the electorate do its job?

Mr. Trump, you are as guilty of this as anyone else in the current race who has taken a potshot at another contender.  And don't give me this "They attacked me first" malarkey.  All of you out there; If you want to be my President, then make changes and compromises to BE presidential.  I am not saying that you have to compromise your message and vision; far from it.  I want to be able to focus on exactly these things without all the static of name-calling and back-biting interfering with the meat of what you have to say to me.

Now, the rest of you who have been guilty of these violations of the Eleventh Commandment, I am not singling out Mr. Trump.  You know if this admonition applies to you, and you know what works the best for you to come back from the dark side of politics as usual and rise above the fray that the Democrat party loves to see us engage in.  If you really want to be part of the restoration of the nation that we all love, then don't play into the other side's hands.  Isn't it enough that their strongest candidate is virtually self-destructing on a day-by-day basis?  Hillary, Obama and the rest of their liberal-socialist ilk are our natural targets.  When we continually concentrate on telling the truth to the American population, even the mainstream media may be forced to report some of it as their darlings manifest their true colors.

Enough of the polite, "politic" ways of dealing with our true opponents.  The Democrats are attempting to transform this magnificent nation into just another third-world hell-hole (thank you, Anne Coulter!), and we MUST NOT LET THEM SUCCEED!  We must call them out for the self-seeking, cowardly and yes, evil people that they are, and we cannot stop doing this until we have convinced enough Americans to turn them out of office.  This is not flinging vitriol; this is truth-telling of the highest order, the kind that will make our Founders proud of us again.  We cannot be deterred by labels of racism, sexism, or any other kind of ism that is patently not true.  We must counter every such diatribe with facts, facts and more facts, until we beat the baiters back.

This will be a long, tough fight.  But when I look at the depth of the field of candidates we currently have, I know that we have the right stuff to take this fight to those who would destroy this country, and to win it in the name of the exceptional men and women who comprise our population.  Let us pray that the leaders of of our new revolution have the stamina that such a struggle will demand,

More soon (hopefully tomorrow)...

Monday, August 10, 2015

A Thousand Apologies!

I know I said I would have a post this past Friday, but instead of writing I spent the better part of the day working for my day job and/or reviewing videos of the two debates and making notes for future posts.

This week brings some scheduling changes (and consequently, challenges), so I will be re-evaluating the days when it will be easiest for me to post with intelligence.  Lord knows, we get enough of the non-intelligent output from the mainstream media that I don't want there to be any confusion between them and us!

Please bear with me this week while things settle into the new normal, and I promise to be back on track by Monday, August 17.  That's not to say I may not write this week, but posts will most likely be scattered...

Thank you very much, and have a terrific week!

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Huntington Park, Californi

All you have to do is Google the name of this California municipality to learn what has thrust it into the American spotlight and the center of the debate about illegal aliens.  For some reason known only to God and the City Council of this town, two commissioners who were reportedly doing great work for the community were summarily dismissed and replaced by - wait for it - two illegal aliens. Granted, these are individuals who were brought to this country as children, but would it be too much to ask that they complete the process and become law-abiding, tax-paying citizens?

This is yet another slap in the face to all who have grown up here or have gone through the education and registration route to becoming naturalized citizens.  And when denizens of Huntington Park showed up to exercise their federal right to speak out against this rampant, in-your-face illegality, they were ignored or told they were "out of order."  What's "Out of Order" is the brain of an elected official who thinks he can trample on any duly enacted law that he doesn't support, and that he can do so with impunity and without incurring justified push-back from those he was elected to represent.

Were I a citizen of Huntington Park, I would immediately begin proceedings to recall the Mayor, the Councilman who made the appointments, and any other city official who aided and abetted him in his lawlessness.  I would also start badgering the U.S. Attorney who oversees my part of the country to bring criminal actions against these same mis-representatives.  And, just for icing on the cake, I would find a way to insinuate this story into the current Republican Presidential race, to see what type of negative publicity about this sleazy, un-American activity could be generated from candidates who are not afraid to call out these miscreants for the criminals THEY are.

It's good to see that The Blaze is already running with this story in depth, while liberal blogs are commending the city's appointments as "wisely taking volunteer labor and efforts from folks willing to give."  If they're so willing to give, why don't they take steps to honor the citizenship laws of the country that, albeit unwittingly, has given them the opportunity to live a better life than they would have had not their parents brought them here illegally?  And why is it racist to ask this question?

Unfortunately, this is a is a California city we are talking about.  However, I will not paint all of its inhabitants with the same brush of brainless liberalism.  The outcry that was heard at the Monday evening Council meeting is proof enough that there are true American patriots who live in Huntington Park, and who have been disenfranchised by this capricious flouting of the law.

Shame on Councilman Jhonny Pineda, Mayor Karina Macias and the City Attorney who gave approval for the appointments (an attorney?  Really?).  It is of absolutely no consequence to me that the two illegals involved in this travesty have admirable histories of volunteer public service or that they won't be in positions to actively affect City policy (we'll see about this latter contention).  The fact they have been elevated to even advisory positions over true citizens of Huntington Park is a crime, literally and figuratively, against the town's citizenry and against the lawful American way of life.

For goodness' sake, Julian Zatarain and Franciso Medina  - bite the bullet and become legal American citizens.  Stop throwing your seeming contempt for this country's laws in the face of those you are now, rightly or wrongly, charged with representing - ALL the people of Huntington Park.

More on Friday...

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

It's Time to Stand Up

There have been quite a few topics percolating in my brain since yesterday, but I am forced to return to the Topic-in-Chief, who continues to demonstrate his evil intent toward this nation.  

While it would be easy to forget about the pending nuclear deal with Iran during the Congressional break, those of us who inhabit districts represented by Democrats need to be unrelenting and fearless in our lobbying of their Capitol Hill offices against this diabolical deal with those who continue to chant "Death to America!  Death to Israel!"  This regime that has so relentlessly foisted misinformation about its objectives upon the American people obviously believes that our enemies in Iran are just as disingenuous as it is, and so doesn't place credence in the hate speech of the Ayatollahs and political leaders of the world's largest state sponsor of terrorism.  (I know this appellation sounds like a cliché, but I'm calling this particular spade a spade.)

Israel and our Arab allies in the Middle East, as well as our own military leadership, have pointed out time and again the deadly flaws that were deliberately negotiated into this grotesque agreement. Some pundits have attributed this to naiveté on the part of the Obama Administration, but it is difficult for me to accept this when it plays so nicely into the narrative that has been building in my thoughts ever since our President went on his apology tour following his first inauguration.  I am convinced by his determination to impose his will on the country, in this and so many other situations, that his ultimate nefarious purpose is to destroy the fabric of this good, though flawed, nation.

How about another example: Most of you are probably aware of the President's recently restated goal of total annihilation of the American coal and oil industries in the name of "global warming."  This is one of the biggest lies of the current Administration, and of the left in general. Sadly, in spite of overwhelming scientific data (objective truth) to the contrary and the fact that the U.S. is responsible for only about 5% of the so-called "greenhouse emissions" that are produced on the planet, the green minority cannot be swayed to abandon its ridiculous stance.

Where are those who would stand up for the truth and beat down the malevolent actions that the President and his cronies have subjected this nation to since their ascent to power?  It infuriates me to hear reports of Democrats in Congress who are happy to voice their disapproval of the Iran debacle in closed caucus meetings, and then turn around and play the lick-spittles to Obama, Valerie Jarrett and their sickening ilk.  Where are their consciences?  Where are their spines?  Why aren't they afraid of the consequences of refusing to represent us, who are in the majority in this country?  I'll be perfectly frank: I'm afraid...

At the risk of sounding too partisan in this early stage of the Presidential nominating process, I think it is time for all of us who care down to our core about the future of this amazing democratic experiment called the United States to start taking pages from the playbooks of Donald Trump and Senator Ted Cruz.  Their intrepid approach to the nefarious goings-on in the Washington establishment is the only one that provides any hope of triumph over the forces of evil that have been let loose among us.  It's time to stop the games invented and perpetuated by the career politicians in favor of the freedoms that we are on the verge of losing to the wickedness of those currently in power.

If you think and believe as I do and know other like-minded patriots, please tell them about this blog and any other that calls for truth in government.  And please, give me and my readers your comments about themes that either do or don't appear here.  There are times when it is extremely challenging to zero in on one subject that resonates with the majority, so I am willing to be directed by your requests and concerns.  It's time to channel our numbers on the right course for us all, and transform fear into feats of valor; to quote Abraham Lincoln, "We must dis-enthrall ourselves, and then we shall save our country."

There is a terrific book called "The Patriot's History Reader," containing what the compilers deem essential documents for everyday Americans.  The ISBN number is 978-7-59523-078-2 and, at $17.90, it is a reasonably-priced investment in understanding just how lawlessly our current Commander-in-Chief has behaved (and he shows no sign of stopping).  Its seven sections contain inspiration as well as warning signals from prior to the nation's founding through 2009.  It never hurts for us to be able to quote chapter and verse from the Founders' writings and from our national treasures such as the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, and to clearly understand what the true foundation of the nation rests on.

More tomorrow...

Monday, August 3, 2015

Monday, Monday...

I have to admit that it is often hard to zero in on a topic for Monday's post because I generally operate without input from the news media over the weekend; it's just the way it works out with my schedule. As a result, I don't have the opportunity to work up a lather about anything in particular, but instead tend to jump in ADHD fashion from one irritant to another (Oh, look - an uninformed liberal voter!). Here are just a few of the things that are already on my radar for this week's commentaries:
  • The vital importance of truth-telling to the Republican base, as evidenced by Donald Trump's meteoric rise in the polls since his campaign announcement.
  • President Obama's latest proclamation of global warming/climate change as the greatest danger facing the planet.
    • Linking this with his blueprints for the destruction of the coal industry as he outlined them for the enraptured editorial board of a left-leaning publication during his 2008 run for the White House.
  • Hillary Clinton's seeming decline in inevitability as the next President.  (Remember 2008?  It was supposed to be hers for the taking...)
  • The first Republican debate coming up this Thursday evening.
  • The pros and cons of convening an Article V Convention of the states to address congressional term limits, balancing the budget, limiting Presidential power in re executive orders and the like (in essence, reclaiming our freedoms).
  • The recent judgement in New York against toy manufacturers concerning production of play guns that closely mimic the real McCoy.
  • As always, the real issue of securing our southern border and dealing realistically with illegal immigrants.  (By the way, has anyone from the Federal Executive or Judicial branch of government called Kate Steinle's parents yet?  Just curious...)

I guess I'll focus a little bit on Hillary's latest spate of troubles with the revelations about her private email server (which, incidentally, we KNOW was hacked by individuals in at least one Eastern European country).  We also know that she lied about never having used this server for transmission of classified materials.  Come to think of it, if she never used the State Department's email system (as required by law [but that's another conversation]), then how on earth could she NOT have included classified information in her email correspondence?  

Her argument flies in the face of logic but, then again, logic is closely allied with objective truth, which, of course, has no place in liberal conversation, thought or agendas. It's all about feelings with those folks; as long as they say they do what they do because they CARE about the poor and the middle class, that makes everything okay, even though what they do more often than not damages the very groups they say they care the most about.  'Tis a puzzlement...

This brings me to my biggest gripe with the Democrat party: They believe that the American people should, and will, take everything they say as gospel (Oops!  Did I just invoke a Deity?), even when, as Ted Cruz put it at the Koch brothers' Republican gathering this past weekend, "facts and data" don't support their pronouncements in any way, shape or form.  This is completely insulting as well as idiotic, and we can't continue to let it work as if has in the past two Presidential elections.  (This approach seems to have failed the libs in the past two mid-term elections; I suppose the low-information voters don't think voting for mere legislators is worth their time or effort, especially when the nation is saddled with a President who has "a phone and a pen" along with the arrogance to assume that it is his right to run rough-shod over OUR rights and flout the Constitution.)

So I suppose I have come full circle to the newly-rediscovered Republican love of truth-telling candidates.  More and more of us on the ground are realizing that being P.C. is just one more way for the minority left to strip us of our Constitutionally guaranteed right to free speech.  Oh, they support free speech all right, as long as it is speech supporting THEIR point of view.  Folks, it is time to return to calling a spade a spade until we step on one in the dark; even then, it's still a spade, albeit one with a lot of colorful adjectives attached to it...  

Bottom line: Truth is NOT hate speech, even though it may contradict your view of the world.  Hate speech contradicts your God-given right to "Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness."

More tomorrow...

Friday, July 31, 2015

ALL Lives Matter!

Former Maryland Governor Martin O'Malley had a unique opportunity to differentiate himself from the rest of his party when he was heckled by members of the Black Lives Matter movement in Phoenix a couple of weeks back.  But then he caved and apologized - Seriously?  This is political correctness on steroids and out of all bounds of the Common Sense that this blog espouses.

When did our society make the leap that having white skin is somehow a crime against the rest of the races in our country?  This is possibly the most asinine and un-democratic nonsense that I have ever heard, especially when coupled with the insulting absurdity of the myth of "White Privilege."  In light of the 5+ decades of Affirmative Action that have worked toward the disenfranchisement of white Americans*, there is no way a rational person who accepts objective truth as the basis for logical conclusions can buy into this insanity and negate his own self-worth.  

This sort of approach is racist in the extreme, and attempts to take the current generations of white U.S. citizens to task for what was done during the enslavement of the original black people kidnapped from their homes and lives in Africa.  Well, I and my family and every white person living in this country DIDN'T commit those offenses, and NO living black citizen of this nation was victimized by them.  So why is it so au courant for liberals to write insipid articles lamenting their having been born Caucasian or to allow the race-baiting Sharptons of the world to cow them into rushes to judgement of law enforcement before even establishing that a true legal infraction has taken place?  

Either all lives matter or, as seems to be the case in places like Chicago and Detroit, no lives matter.  No one should be allowed to pick and choose which race is more important; to do so is to compel society to teeter on the brink of genocide.  We are better than this, and so we must not apologize for speaking truth, whether it be to power or to the mob.  When we do take the higher road of truth-telling, we must be prepared to deal with the consequences that will be rained upon us by the haters, the ignorant and those who would destroy this nation.  We must be prepared to stand together as the majority that we ARE, which believes wholeheartedly in the goodness and exceptionalism that our beloved country has exhibited for over two hundred years.  We must thicken our skins as we would have the P.C. crowd thicken theirs, to demonstrate to them that actions, not words, have the real power to define who each of us is.  "Ye shall know them by their fruits."

* I use this terminology to fly in the face of the ridiculous usage handbook from that University in New England that declared it "offensive" to self-identify as "American" rather than "North American."  As if to do this is to really marginalize citizens of Central or South American.  Do we really think that a native of Brazil wants to call himself a South American?  No, he tells you proudly that he is a Brazilian.  So I will continue to refer to U.S. citizens, especially myself, as an American.  No hyphens need apply...

More on Monday; have a great weekend!

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

A Government in Denial

Hard as it may be to believe, we are again hearing that those four Marines and one sailor who were gunned down while doing their duty might be denied the Purple Heart and its attendant benefits.  Has the government, more specifically this Administration, learned nothing from the tragic lesson of Fort Hood?

While the FBI is saying very little about the data it has been able to gather concerning Muhammad Abdulazeez's seeming self-radicalization, its own director has lamented the difficulties facing the agency in tracking and preemptively dealing with such "lone wolves" during testimony before a Congressional Committee.   The official description of the shooter being issued for the past week is that of a "homegrown violent extremist."  Notice the missing word?  Once more we have to deal with our government's refusal to look evil in the face and call it what it truly is.  I suppose they are more concerned about hurting the feelings of Muslims than they are about stepping up to the plate for our servicemen and women and their families.

Political correctness is about as incorrect as anything could possibly be, if it allows for the ignoring of common sense and decency in favor of placating a religion that should be taking at least some responsibility for policing and monitoring its own young.  This is especially true when we have a psychological situation like the one involving Muhammad Abdulazeez and in light of the disastrous trend toward Islamic extremism being exhibited by disaffected young Muslim men who live in the West.  When I hear Michael Savage talk about Donald Trump's candidacy in one of his radio ads, and looking forward to "bombing ISIS back into the Stone Age," I want to shout at him that this is exactly where most of the radicalized Islamists are in their minds and actions.  If this weren't the case we wouldn't be dealing with the unrelenting terrorism that began on September 11, 2001.  There has been no evolution of thought in the fundamentalist Islamic population since the original Muhammad was on earth, except to pervert the Prophet's core message into one solely of hate and subjugation.

I'm not ashamed to admit that, in light of government prevarication about Islamic extremism, the IRS targeting of conservative groups, Benghazi, the Iran nuclear deal and any number of other lies they have foisted onto the American people, I am becoming incredibly afraid of what the reminder of this President's tenure will bring with it.  However, in the midst of this angst is the righteous anger that his brazen maltreatment of our armed forces has generated, and this is something I will embrace and run with.

We have the opportunity to flood the email inboxes and Twitter accounts of our elected officials with expressions of our complete and utter dissatisfaction concerning the way the Administration has chosen to dishonor those who gave their all for us, and to disenfranchise their surviving families.  I hope that you and your friends will use whatever media you have at your disposal to voice your disapproval, and do it often.  This type of government malfeasance shows no sign of dissipating, and should help attract truth-loving Americans to the standard of conservatism.  But we can't wait for them to catch up; we have to begin the truth-telling now...

More on Friday...

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Lest We Forget...

Former Arkansas Governor and current GOP Presidential candidate Mike Huckabee is being attacked for his comments about the reckless, idiotic Obama-Kerry nuclear deal with Iran.  But what did he say that isn't the absolute, horrific truth?  Here's the quote from the Governor citing the naivete of the President and his Secretary of State in trusting Iran about anything:

"By doing so, he will take the Israelis and march them to the door of the oven.”

Shocking?  Perhaps, if you aren't a student of world history.  Insensitive?  I don't think so, especially in light of the many comments from Iran's Supreme Leader Khamenei that speak directly to the destruction of the Jewish state and annihilation of its people.  Here are some examples:

  • Ayatollah Khamenei's Iranian Martyr Foundation rep: "We have manufactured missiles that allow replace Israel...with a big holocaust"
  • "It is the mission of the Islamic Republic of Iran to erase Israel from the map of the region." - Ayatollah Khamenei 
  • "If they [Jews] all gather in Israel, it will save us the trouble of going after them worldwide." - Hassan Nasrallah, Hezbollah leader

For those across the political spectrum who decry Huckabee's invocation of the worst genocidal activity in the annals of civilization by calling it insensitive, offensive, insulting or uncalled for, I challenge them to say that allowing (indeed, fostering) another travesty like the 1939 Munich accord is a good idea.  But that is exactly what the President and his stooges want us to believe, even with Iran's post-1978 history of atrocity and deceit visible to anyone who will view it with open, unbiased eyes.

For those who are "offended" by the Governor's allusion to the grotesque truth of the Nazi Holocaust, are you as offended by the paragraphs in the proposed deal that call for the United States to protect the Iranian nuclear program from any type of attack?  Are you offended that they can (whether or not the deal is approved) in a position to purchase advanced armaments from Russia?   (More on that troublesome part of the world at a later date...)  If you are Israeli, this is more than offense; this is betrayal of everything that the relationship between our two countries has stood for before January 20, 2009.  

We, and 6,000,000+ European Jews, were sold down the river as a part of Neville Chamberlain's misguided effort to appease and contain someone whom he thought would be content with the content of that pact.  Are you offended by being thought as big a fool as that poor bumbler? You should be, because that's the way our President and the Supreme Leader see you.  They think that you don't have the brains or the will to look at the objective truth of Iran's past and present threats to Israel and any other non-Islamic regime.  Don't forget, as the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff pointed out, the "I" in ICBM stands for "intercontinental."  Are you prepared to blindly trust the people who, before, during and after the negotiations that culminated in this imbecilic accord, marched and still march in the streets if Tehran chanting "Death to America!  Death to Israel!"?

If you are not prepared to let this despicable theocracy acquire the means necessary to attack our allies and/or our nation, then you need to be communicating this to Congress.  It is imperative that the vote on this diabolical agreement be rendered veto-proof.  Republicans need to keep pounding home the objective truth of the actions and intentions of this rabid regime until even the Democrats will have to mortified to be seen as favoring its implementation.  I, for one, am going to send a link to this blog to all Texas Congressmen and its two Senators, so they will know without any question where I stand on this incipient destruction of all we hold dear.  If this post reflects your sentiments as well, feel free to use whatever portion of it speaks most to, and for, you.

More tomorrow...

Monday, July 27, 2015

Department of Redundancy Department

Okay, Republican candidates and pundits, I am going to remind you yet again of Ronald Reagan's Eleventh Commandment as he articulated it in 1966: "Thou shalt not speak ill of any fellow Republican."  Remember this?  Remember whom we really are up against?

While you are busy badmouthing one another (and this goes for you, too, Donald), you are reinforcing the already negative stereotype of the Washington career politician, even though some of you are at the same time trying to position yourselves as outsiders.  This is exactly the sort of thing that flies in the face of our need to take back the White House and, by extension, the country from the left, and it loses us votes.

Yes, I do agree that we want a certain amount of dignity and thoughtfulness to accrue to the office of President, those are not exactly terms that are resonating with our base at the moment.  What is striking a responsive chord is fearlessness and willingness to take on all comers without an act of contrition.  Aren't we all (justifiably) weary of the way that the current Administration has apologized for American excellence and leadership practically since day one of Barack Obama's tenure?  Then why on earth would we want to fall into the same mealy-mouthed political correctness that has our culture and national identity on the skids?

I guess my question is this: Why don't you folks apply the same passion and energy to differentiating us from the Democrat Party as you do to attacking each other?  Why would you allow ambition to hold sway over your stated aim to do what is best for the country?  If you truly believe that it is not only necessary, but vital, to the nation's survival in a manner that our Founding Fathers would approve of, then you need to take President Reagan's words and example to heart.  

Please, we are begging you: Start talking about things that make true Americans proud of our heritage and of our place in world history.  We have the opportunity to reclaim the standing that previous generations have earned with blood and industry, and to truly reflect the vision that President Reagan so magnificently evoked in his farewell to our nation:

"..I've spoken of the shining city all my political life, but I don't know if I ever quite communicated what I saw when I said it. But in my mind it was a tall proud city built on rocks stronger than oceans, wind-swept, God-blessed, and teeming with people of all kinds living in harmony and peace, a city with free ports that hummed with commerce and creativity, and if there had to be city walls, the walls had doors and the doors were open to anyone with the will and the heart to get here. That's how I saw it and see it still...."

This is what we want, and my money is on your being able to deliver it, every last one of you. Nothing worth doing ever came easy, but effort and striving for what is right is what makes the hoped-for outcome all the more precious and worthwhile.

America is precious; America is worthwhile.  With this as a given, what will you do to preserve her legacy, her  promise, her valor in the face of evil?

More tomorrow...

Friday, July 24, 2015

Illegal Felons... Personal Responsibility... Government Repression

First of all, apologies for no post yesterday - Thursdays may well turn out to be my weekly break due to an unrelenting schedule, especially after I start evening rehearsals in a couple of weeks.  A little additional time to muse on pertinent topics...

Have you noticed that the P.C. barrier has been breached concerning calling those folks "illegal" who are in our country without the requisite paperwork?  I can't tell you how long it's been since I heard the phrase "undocumented immigrant" in place of calling this spade the spade it really is.  Now I want to attack another adjective/adverb that accrues to those among this group who openly, un-repentantly and without question have committed crimes against America and Americans.

I know there must be some statutes in place concerning the description by news outlets of individuals who are accused of criminal activity but who have not yet been to trial, since the media as a whole seems to employ this mode of portrayal.  But I am TOTALLY sick of hearing such miscreants as the killer of Kate Steinle described as the "alleged" shooter, or as the person who "allegedly" committed this heinous, reprehensible act.  This form of political correctness just plays into the sad state of affairs that seemingly absolves wrong-doers of all responsibility for their actions because of family history, drug/alcohol abuse (who made THAT decision?!?), bullying at school, or any of a host of other excuses that are designed to make society the culprit when something horrible happens at the hands of a misfit.

While I started this post by referring to illegals among us, but I do feel that the whole permissive, liberal agenda does lead to things like sanctuary cities that persistently fly in the face of federal law.   Why do this type of municipal behavior occur?  Because we have a federal government that picks and chooses which laws it will enforce, which leads to the outright lawlessness of sanctuary cities in the name of "humanitarianism."  When did being a humanitarian mean subjecting law-abiding citizens to the types of crimes that have been unleashed on them by Washington's determination to infuse our population with what amounts to an invasion from abroad?

Perhaps this is why the campaign style and words of Donald Trump are resonating so deeply with so many who feel that WE are being disenfranchised by an Administration that feels that it can dictate or lie about, with impunity, things like this to us:
  • The cultural/economic make up of the neighborhoods in which we choose to live should be determined by Washington; it's just right.
  • There wasn't a "smidgen" of corruption in the IRS, and they didn't target conservative groups.
  • The deal with Iran is a good one.
  • We are committed to Israel's protection.
  • The economy is roaring back from the '08 financial crisis.
  • Unemployment is the lowest it has been in years.
  • The massacre at Fort Hood was workplace violence.
  • The Republicans were responsible for the 2013 government shut down (remember that?  Nice, wasn't it?).
  • Capitalism needs government intervention/regulation to function properly.
  • If you disagree with any of our President's pronouncements on anything, you're a racist.
Essentially, objective truth has been replaced with fantasy; it's the Emperor's New Clothes on LSD. How can anyone have a rational discussion with a liberal when truth is not as important or weighty in the conversation as what they want to be the truth?  The mainstream media is every bit as culpable in making this travesty our nation's reality during this Administration's tenure, taking the lead as they do in pointing fingers and flinging diatribes at those who would speak truth to this despotic power.  

Our Founding Fathers never envisioned the class of professional politicians that has evolved over the 239 years of our national existence.  I imagine they would be astonished and appalled to see how their brilliantly, bravely crafted Founding Documents have been subverted and all but dismantled by the current "leadership" in our nation's capital.  I don't know about you, but I've had about all I can stomach of the lies, the negation of American exceptionalism and the tyranny to which we have been subjected since January 20, 2009.  

How many of us are willing to lay it all on the line and really SHOW UP now that the country we love, and that is the hope of all who love freedom, needs US?  Are you...?

More tomorrow...

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Just Rambling a Bit...

Lots of things on the radar today, from the gruesome Planned Parenthood revelations to the secret side agreements with Iran* to the Donald standing behind what he has said and done (no news there). But it was heartening to hear Rush Limbaugh reiterate his contention that the vast majority of Americans do not buy into the narrative pushed onto them by the mainstream media, and citing reports from that same media that bolster his argument.

I will admit to having been in total despair on occasion over the past several years, given the nation's hijacking by the left and all its subsidiary minorities.  This depressed condition led me to stop listening to talk radio and to watching entertainment rather than news TV, because I simply couldn't bear to hear any more bad news.  Happily for me and, I hope, for the bulk of the country, things seem to be looking up.  Here is some evidence:

  • The mainstream media has finally figured out that Hillary Clinton is her own worst enemy - Surprise!  The more people hear from her, the less they like her.  In fact, most Democrats prefer her in the downtrodden, subservient role than as an occupier of the central focus.
    • This being said, I hope that the rest of the Democrats don't make this connection until after she is the official nominee, so that any one of the truly able Republican contenders can defeat her.
  • Legally armed veterans have been stationing themselves at recruiting centers in order to afford the protection that our men and women in uniform have been denied by their national government.
    • On a side note, several states have already overridden the statute behind the horrific Tennessee killings by either posting National Guardsmen or allowing for the maintenance of firearms by specific servicemen  at these sites.  Guess they took their lead from the Sanctuary Cities...
  • Donald Trump is drawing huge, attentive, engaged crowds to hear what he has to say in what are undoubtedly "political" speeches, even though the main-streamers prefer to characterize his presentations as "a one-man show."  It is my belief that he has tapped into the sleeping giant whose parents and grandparents helped to defeat Nazism, fascism and true imperialism, and who were present to witness the end of the Soviet Union.  Perhaps the left should take note of this trend while remembering past crushing conquests by this giant's forebears.  He's ba-ack...
  • The hate- and division-mongering authorities in Baltimore are being brought up short in their attempts to railroad six police officers by the real evidence in the case, just as the race-baiters were in Ferguson.  The truth about the riots that devastated part of my beloved hometown is coming out, in spite of repeated denials from officials of the "stand down" order.
  • The formerly rainbow-hued White House is finally flying its American flag at half staff in honor of our slain Chattanooga servicemen.
  • Ted Cruz is able to score points with the incompetent I.C.E. Director in hearings about the illegal immigrant crime debacle, and have these be reported by most, if not all, of the media, not just a select, impartial few.  (Thank you again, Mr. Trump, for garnering more attention for this scandalous situation in just a few weeks than the grieving families of Americans slaughtered by illegals could in four and a half years...  It's about time.) 
  • Police officers are still making legitimate arrests when African-Americans with chips on their shoulders refuse to respect their requests for cooperation during legal stops.  Either a policeman has real authority over everyone or it's over no one; you can't have it both ways.
So, maybe there is some hope, even in light of the heavily reported, but mostly unsupported, tales of our nation's moral decline and the majority's buying happily into it.  Better late than never, lots of us who were previously taken in have discerned the truth behind the story line that has been foisted on us by a biased media, and guess what?  There really are more of us than there are of them; we just need to rebuff their efforts to convince us otherwise.  Isn't that GREAT news?

More tomorrow...

*Yes, once again the Administration has connived behind the backs of Congress and the American people to remove any remaining baby teeth from this farcical agreement.  You'll be hearing more about this...

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Bravo, David Cameron!

I usually am not terribly impressed one way or the other by the actions of Britain's Prime Minister, but I do have to award him and his countrymen major kudos for giving political correctness the heave-ho in favor of saving lives and the English way of life.

Unlike the American President, this is a politician who is not afraid to label violence by Muslim terrorists as what it is: Islamic extremism.  His nation is, unfortunately, now reaping the whirlwind of having caved in the past to demands for segregated neighborhoods that have produced the type of home-grown monsters that* have hacked off soldiers' heads in the middle of the street in broad daylight, and felt justified in doing so.

(*Normally I throw 13 hissy fits about grammatical usage that refers to human beings with "that" rather than "who," but in this case [and going forward] I will emphatically embrace this approach when referring to these Islamist animals.)

While I do applaud the more stringent regulations that are being adopted to curb radicalization by the Brits, I do hope that it is not a situation of being too little, too late.  Ostensibly, the majority of the British populace is fed up with being victimized and afraid in their own nation.  But do they have the stamina to go the distance with this new approach?  Given their history of 70 years ago, one would be inclined to answer in the affirmative.  However, today's Briton is not of that great generation, and it's hard to know whether intervening years and complacence in the absence of international conflict have robbed the breed of its admirable tenacity.

Which brings me back to the U.S.: How much longer is it going to take for the Silent Majority to realize that the P.C. movement is simply a way for the minority to cow the majority into relinquishing the ideals and mores that were the basis of our birth as a nation?  When will we start calling out those who berate us in the name of "tolerance" for their rampant intolerance of any view save their own?  (And don't even get me started on the generation of wimps in our colleges and universities who can't handle the thought of a movie like "American Sniper" being shown on their campuses, but have to be molly-coddled with a children's movie to soothe their tattered sensibilities...  Dear God, what have we come to?)

Now, I reserve the right to not tell a joke that might be in the best taste if a member of my audience would be offended by it, but that will be MY CHOICE because I respect the person or persons involved.  I will not accept compulsory political correctness for some while those on the left are still free to vilify anyone and everything that doesn't contribute to the advancement of their sick, un-American narrative.  Maybe if we push back and force our countrymen to resume the thicker skins that we sported in our pre-P.C. existences, we will be truer to ourselves and to the values that our Founding Fathers immortalized in our Founding Documents.

More tomorrow...  Let's start thinking about a Silent Majority march on Washington, D.C. to celebrate our nation's 240th birthday.

Monday, July 20, 2015

Day 2 of This Blog's Revitalization

Several questions have been occupying my mind lately about the effectiveness of conservative news talk shows, both TV and radio.  Most of us know about Rush Limbaugh, Bill O'Reilly, Mark Levin, Laura Ingraham, Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity and the like on the national stage, but there are some other folks who have caught my ear such as Chris Salcedo, Ben Ferguson and Michael Savage.  While most of these individuals speak to the same issues and from a similar perspective, there is no true unanimity of purpose across the spectrum.  Here are my queries, with some related commentary to illustrate each:

  • Are all of these admittedly highly involved communicators simply preaching to the converted and, if so, how can we get the message out to the broader conservative base that, for whatever reason, doesn't get the news about the things being done by government that adversely affect our freedoms?
I think of myself as fairly well-informed about the deteriorating state of the nation I grew up in, and for that I thank my husband, who introduced me to Fox News.  However, I was a bit taken aback to learn that two of my favorite co-workers have been operating in a vacuum where news about the harsh truths we are all enduring haven't penetrated.  As a result, I have taken it upon myself to keep them up-to-date on the latest attacks on our Constitution whenever I am with them, but I know that I am not doing as good a job as the proper exposure to consistently-focused news outlets would.

  • Most of us are aware of Ronald Reagan's "Eleventh Commandment" about Republicans attacking each other.   But I have noticed that this doesn't always translate to our galaxy of conservative news and talk show hosts.  What can be done to address this without eroding the listener base that differentiates one host from another?
Essentially, I would love to see all of these diverse personalities come together on a regular basis to get the word out about real opportunities to effect change in the downward spiral that has snared us all.  Perhaps this would even translate into helping to create cohesive large-scale action, such as petitions, write-in campaigns to Congress or a highly-organized march on our seat of government between now and the end of the Obama second term. My belief is that if these folks could find a way to come together on such projects, the word would find its way to the varied segments of the conservative base which would allow for the type of groundswell and backlash that has been lacking to date.

  • Finally, am I whistling in the wind to think that this sort of cooperation is a possibility?  I sincerely hope not.  If you buy into this new notion of cross-pollination of the conservative message, then please give me your ideas on ways that we can make this notion a reality.
My current plan is to put a few ideas together and create a memo to all of the commentators mentioned above, plus anyone else you feel would be an appropriate addition, asking them to at least consider having a sort of summit to speak to the issue of bring all of us conservatives together to tap into the power that we should be able to muster as a majority in this country.  Please think about this: given the rate at which the Administration is implementing detrimental changes, time is truly of the essence.

I welcome your feedback to this post or anything else that appears on this blog.  We must stand together without guilt in our majority.

More tomorrow...

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Time to Begin Again...

It's not hard for me to believe that it has been 16 months since my last post to this blog but, with things the way are these days, that is going to change.  I, like so many of you, have about had it with this lawless Administration and with the fact that our Republican "leaders" are completely cowed by the liberal left and its taunts of racism, elitism and all the other isms.  While Mr. Trump may not be as willing to observe Ronald Reagan's Eleventh Commandment as we might like, it is still refreshing and somehow heartening to know that there is at least one person out there with access to the media who is willing to speak what we down here in the grass roots are feeling, and have felt for a long time.

Once again, I'm done with political correctness toward any minority that doesn't afford me the same tolerance it demands from me.  I'm done with hearing about America's sins of the past while Islamic fundamentalists are committing equally, if not more, heinous sins in the present.  No American alive today has ever been a legal slave in this country, just as no American alive today has been a legal slaveholder.  In other words, it wasn't done to you, and I and mine didn't do it.  Grow up, take responsibility for your own destiny and success, and stop blaming some myth of white or any other kind of privilege for the decisions you make about your own life.  

Middle America, no mater what color, age, sexual orientation or creed you may be, it is time for us to stop being the Silent Majority. It is time for us to hold our elected officials accountable to us, the People, and to make them listen to the reproaches they have earned by their refusal to preserve, protect and defend ourselves and our Constitution.  It is time to return to that Government, of, by and for the People that so many of our best and brightest perished to preserve.  

More to the point, it is time to call our President what he is, an evil, evil man whose sole purpose is to "fundamentally transform" this country into something unspeakable and that its Founders never ever envisioned or fought for.  He seeks to replace our freedoms with mindless subservience to a monstrous government, to destroy our priceless American initiative and drive with by denigrating and undermining all traces of its excellence and, yes, superiority.  He seeks to project onto this good, kindly country the vicissitudes of its enemies, and to abandon the allies whose true core values mirror our own.  

It has been made patently obvious to me and to anyone else with the courage to speak and acknowledge objective truths that this man despises the America that granted him the enormous opportunities that he has squandered in his diabolical quest for "income equality" and "social justice."  These are the innocuous catch phrases that mask the President's true aim, which is to remake this "shining city on a hill" into a backward, horrific throwback to the aftermath of the Russian Revolution.  I am not content to let him extinguish the beacon that this nation has been, and continues to be, to all those who seek a good, honest and fulfilling life.  Are you?

More tomorrow...