
Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Lest We Forget...

Former Arkansas Governor and current GOP Presidential candidate Mike Huckabee is being attacked for his comments about the reckless, idiotic Obama-Kerry nuclear deal with Iran.  But what did he say that isn't the absolute, horrific truth?  Here's the quote from the Governor citing the naivete of the President and his Secretary of State in trusting Iran about anything:

"By doing so, he will take the Israelis and march them to the door of the oven.”

Shocking?  Perhaps, if you aren't a student of world history.  Insensitive?  I don't think so, especially in light of the many comments from Iran's Supreme Leader Khamenei that speak directly to the destruction of the Jewish state and annihilation of its people.  Here are some examples:

  • Ayatollah Khamenei's Iranian Martyr Foundation rep: "We have manufactured missiles that allow replace Israel...with a big holocaust"
  • "It is the mission of the Islamic Republic of Iran to erase Israel from the map of the region." - Ayatollah Khamenei 
  • "If they [Jews] all gather in Israel, it will save us the trouble of going after them worldwide." - Hassan Nasrallah, Hezbollah leader

For those across the political spectrum who decry Huckabee's invocation of the worst genocidal activity in the annals of civilization by calling it insensitive, offensive, insulting or uncalled for, I challenge them to say that allowing (indeed, fostering) another travesty like the 1939 Munich accord is a good idea.  But that is exactly what the President and his stooges want us to believe, even with Iran's post-1978 history of atrocity and deceit visible to anyone who will view it with open, unbiased eyes.

For those who are "offended" by the Governor's allusion to the grotesque truth of the Nazi Holocaust, are you as offended by the paragraphs in the proposed deal that call for the United States to protect the Iranian nuclear program from any type of attack?  Are you offended that they can (whether or not the deal is approved) in a position to purchase advanced armaments from Russia?   (More on that troublesome part of the world at a later date...)  If you are Israeli, this is more than offense; this is betrayal of everything that the relationship between our two countries has stood for before January 20, 2009.  

We, and 6,000,000+ European Jews, were sold down the river as a part of Neville Chamberlain's misguided effort to appease and contain someone whom he thought would be content with the content of that pact.  Are you offended by being thought as big a fool as that poor bumbler? You should be, because that's the way our President and the Supreme Leader see you.  They think that you don't have the brains or the will to look at the objective truth of Iran's past and present threats to Israel and any other non-Islamic regime.  Don't forget, as the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff pointed out, the "I" in ICBM stands for "intercontinental."  Are you prepared to blindly trust the people who, before, during and after the negotiations that culminated in this imbecilic accord, marched and still march in the streets if Tehran chanting "Death to America!  Death to Israel!"?

If you are not prepared to let this despicable theocracy acquire the means necessary to attack our allies and/or our nation, then you need to be communicating this to Congress.  It is imperative that the vote on this diabolical agreement be rendered veto-proof.  Republicans need to keep pounding home the objective truth of the actions and intentions of this rabid regime until even the Democrats will have to mortified to be seen as favoring its implementation.  I, for one, am going to send a link to this blog to all Texas Congressmen and its two Senators, so they will know without any question where I stand on this incipient destruction of all we hold dear.  If this post reflects your sentiments as well, feel free to use whatever portion of it speaks most to, and for, you.

More tomorrow...

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